Monday 12 January 2015

Under the Continuing Influence of Art

I write this update in Early January 2015.

2014 proved a busy year.
I showed my art at 23 venues - some small, some large - mostly of printmaking - but some of my photographic work too.
These exhibitions included one show in California, one in Kent but most in London.

I have continued with a series of Prints called "New Drawings" and by the end of 2014 there were approaching 200 subjects in this series. These are all of special buildings (well special to me anyway.) However, both through the process of commissions and partly as a personal need I have also been engaged in new work - some of these have been of larger scale and some just plain different.

I have Ongoing Exhibitions and Upcoming Exhibitions. These will be published soon.

I have continued to engage in "Street Photography" but (for lack of time) I have spent very little time in teaching it.  I have received requests to run Street Photography courses and at some later date, I am sure I will.

10th January 2015